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JEHOVAH NISSI: The Lord My Banner


Application: The Lord is my identity; I wear His name, I represent Him. He is the General of His army. My battles are His battles; He leads me to victory.

The Lord is my General; I am a soldier in His army.

What does the general do? His job is to strategize, to be the brains behind the operation.

He is responsible for the victory, not the soldier.

It is not the soldier's job to strategize how to defeat deceptions, lies, misinterpretation, truth-twisting, and manipulation of the enemy. That's the job of the general.

The job of the soldier is to simply obey the general's simply fight the enemy with the equipment he is given, under the direct guidance and command of the general.

The soldier's job is to trust and obey the general, and the general's job is to protect the soldier, run to his aid, and fight for him when the battle becomes too big for him.

Satan is our enemy, and he is the father of lies. He specializes in manipulation, truth-twisting, misinterpretation, and deception.

Are you battling those things today? Take heart, soldier. Your job isn’t to figure out how to defeat this evil; that’s God’s job.

Your job is to simply read His instruction manual, obey His commands, remain faithful, and

trust the General.

When the battle becomes too much, He will run to your aid. He has your back, and He will protect you while leading you to victory. 🙌



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